Our Adventures, Your Comic


First Page Previews!

Hey guys,

You can now see the first page of every story from the first issue of Lightning Strike Presents. Just a little something to whet your appetite until our big release. 😉


Written by Chris Duffy and illustrated by Shane Roban, Draculwing is yet another exciting story you guys can look forward to seeing more off. Click below to see some of Shane’s brilliant work on the lead character, Grail.

Draculwing – Plot Synopsis

In a world overrun with demonic forces, a lone warrior takes it upon himself to end the threat once and for all. Equipped with only his trusty Draculwing Blade, Grail must reach his king before the demon prince, Blazebrood does and vanquish the foul beast once and for all. The lengths he will go to will surprise even Grail and the origin of the Draculwing myth will be told and place the set pieces for future stories to be released unto the unsuspecting public.